Assen Borissov Dachev was born in Kamenar, village nеar town Rasgrad.
He attended lectures on theoretical physics by Professor Georgi Maneff at the Sofia University (1929-1933) and obtained PhD in Paris (1934-1938).
Academician Assen Dachev initiated solid state physics theory at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He investigated classical heat conductivity and quantum mechanics.
Professional experience:
Assen Dachev was assistant in physics (1939-1944), associate professor (1947-1950) and professor (1950) at the Sofia University. He took up a professorship (1955-1984) and he was dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (1950-1955).
He joined to the Institute of Physics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and created theoretical physics department in the Institute of Solid State Physics.
Teaching activities:
Academician Assen Dachev lectured theoretical physics 40 years. His lectures included: "theoretical mechanics", "thermodinamics", "statistical physics", and "quantum mechanics".
In Bulgarian Academy of Sciences he was coressponding-member (1952), academician (1961) and Physics and Mathematics Department secretary (1962-1968).
А. Datzeff, Sur le probleme lineaire general de propagation de la choleur dans un milieu a plusieurs couches, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sciences Mathem. et Natur., t. 2, 1949, 2-3, p. 21
А. Datzeff, Sur certaines analogies mecaniques de la theorie de la chaleur, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sciences Mathem. et Natur., t. 2, 1949, No 2-3, p. 25
А. Dachev, Memorial des Scienses Physiqie, Paris (1963)
А. Dachev, Memorial des Scienses Physiqie, Paris (1970)
Лауреати на Димитровски награди в областта на науката (1950-1953), София, БАН (1955) с. 33-34
100 години Българска Академия на Науките 1869-1969. София, изд. БАН (1969) с. 187-190
И. Златев, Академик Асен Дацев на 75 години, Народна култура, бр.15 (1986)
И. Златев, Академик Асен Дацев на осемдесет години, Светът на физиката (1991) кн. 1, с. 36-44
In memoriam, Светът на физиката, 17 (1994) кн. 1, с. 62
Л. Спасов, Г. Камишева, Милко Борисов за себе си и другите за него, АИ "Проф. М. Дринов", София (2008) с. 190-191
A. Karastoyanov, In face to the problems of the century (Assene Datzeff), Dissemination and Development Physics and Mathematics on the Balkans, ISSP, Sofia, 2012, p. 141-146
ДАЦЕВ Асен Борисов